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Case Studies


“Growing at a rapid pace we needed to make a few key hires and fast! I dealt with Jordan frequently and he was super professional and knowledgeable and delivered a healthy and strong pipeline to key roles within our Cloud and Mobile Engineering Division. I get to work closely with the talented individuals we placed together on an ongoing basis and they are great colleagues now that have been adding massive value to our business. I would highly recommend them to other clients seeking quality professionals!”

Belinda Gass,

Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

Challenge Accepted

EVBOX set up a partnership with Orange Quarter after losing key members of their engineering function during an unsuccessful IPO. OQ were tasked with hiring across the whole tech setup to essentially replace and then scale their engineering function.



OQ had initial calls with the hiring managers across the business from EVBOX to understand the needs of each position. OQ then figured out the best way to approach the market to entice some of the best talents to join EVBox during what was a difficult period for the company. After successfully navigating this challenge OQ successfully delivered 15 positions for EVBox.

Offers made
Hires made

Mobility has given them freedom. Opportunity. Growth. It has defined their world. But it has come at a price. To create a sustainable future, they must transition away from fossil fuels; and embracing electric mobility is key to making this happen. That’s why, over a decade ago, EVBox was founded to empower the EV revolution. Today, that revolution is unstoppable.

They’ve now entered the new era of mobility: one where electric vehicles have shifted from a niche technology to an agent of change in society. A disruptive force, no longer for the few, but for the many. It’s time to take it mainstream. In this new era, they must lay the foundations of an electric mobility network that’s fit for mass electric vehicle adoption. That’s why they are leading the charge with a complete ecosystem of solutions for forward-thinking businesses and drivers. To build a world where electric mobility is the new normal.